
  • 伯爵矢志要将失散八百年的圣经所记载的用来对抗魔鬼的五件“上帝的武装”一一寻回,经过一番努力,他寻得包括亚洲飞鹰Jackie(成龙)在非洲土人手中夺得的“圣灵宝剑”等三件,而另外两件在一伙恐怖分子手中。  Jackie的朋友Alan(谭咏麟)的女友Laura(关之琳)在时装表演中遭僧侣打扮的恐怖分子绑架,对方期望用她换得所缺的“上帝的武装”。 Alan求助Jackie,Jackie以会从恐怖分子手中抢过来伯爵所缺的那两件“上帝的武装”作担保,从伯爵手中借出他所拥有的三件。Jackie、Alan以及伯爵的女儿西行欧洲,展开救人夺宝的行动。
  • Not only is Marinette Ladybug, the superheroine that protects Paris from the attack of villains, but she’s also now the guardian of the Miraculous. This means that not only does she need to keep her identity hidden, but also the existence of these turbulent, magical creatures, the Kwamis! Marinette has a lot of pressure, not to mention her school and love life! Now she has less time and opportunities to tell Adrien her feelings...  Marinette now has to redouble efforts to protect her secrets and Ladybug will have to become stronger to face an indomitable adversary Shadow Moth, who can now fuse the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous! Thankfully, Ladybug can count on Cat Noir and their new superhero allies!
  • 达芬奇生活在一个宁静和平的小村庄里,每天都沉迷在自己研究的神奇发明中。他有个名叫洛伦佐的好朋友,勤劳勇敢,喜欢自然,总是给达芬奇许多帮助。达芬奇喜欢一名叫“蒙娜丽莎”的聪慧又机敏的女孩,在他们身边总是会发生许多有趣的事儿。直到一场大火烧毁了蒙娜丽莎家的农田,她的父亲为了生计,不得不让蒙娜丽莎嫁给一个富有却惹人讨厌的家伙。为了解救自己的伙伴,达芬奇从一个神秘说书人那里听说在弗洛伦撒附近的海域内藏有宝藏。  于是达芬奇与小伙伴们踏上了冒险的旅程,但等待他们的却是海盗们设下的重重圈套……