
  • 一群好朋友坐船出游,在遭遇了撞船事故后,他们被困在一个不知名的小岛上。在那里,他们遇到了一个原始的部落。
  • 科幻 
  • 夏威夷冲浪女孩跟随下一代夏威夷本土女性冲浪者,因为他们在精英水平上竞争,以赢得世界职业冲浪巡回赛的梦寐以求的位置。这部四集的纪录片提供了五位最令人兴奋的年轻明星的幕后访问- Moana Jones Wong, Ewe Wong, Maluhia Kinimaka, Pua DeSoto和Brianna Cope -他们训练,处理家庭责任,并与世界上最高级的冲浪者竞争,以获得最高的领奖台。
  • 恐怖 
    The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only safe hideout left to them. But well defended hideouts have a way of becoming prisons. And prisons aren't the safest place to be when your friends can turn on you at any time.
  • 血与雪

    Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infects the other. A nearby base takes in the lone survivor whilst trying to understand what happened. The lone survivor may not be the person they think she is.
  • 囊肿

    CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s last day turns into a battle for survival when the doctor’s machine inadvertently turns a patient’s tumour into a cyst-monster that terrorizes the office.
  • 当弗雷德不小心把家人出去旅游度假的钱弄丢的时候,他开始计划用他的头脑把钱再弄回来。他打算举办一场空前的摔跤赛事,并说服一直都是他最好的朋友BarneyRubble(KevinMichaelRichardson配音)成为职业摔跤选手,他甚至作为发起人邀请那些非常受欢迎的摔跤选手加入,包括JohnCenastone(约翰·塞纳配音)和TheUndertaker(马克·卡拉韦配音)。这场赛事引发了人群的沸腾,人们疯狂的从售票口涌入赛场,同时赛事的火爆也引起了世界摔角娱乐(WWE)总裁VinceMcMagma(文斯·麦克马宏配音)的目光。该片由许多WWE摔跤手和相关人员为其人物提供他们的声音。
  • 喜剧 
  • 男孩和他自制的机器人参加了全宇宙竞争最激烈的比赛,同时他们还想要将自己的家园从邪恶帝国的压迫下解救出来。
  • 剧情 
      It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world she's ever known.