
  • 朝圣

  • 大洪水

    A massive earthquake strikes the United States, which destroys the West Coast and unleashes a massive flood that threatens to destroy the East Coast as well.  If you're wondering about this film and why it's dubbed in Italian, then read the following comment from IMDb  I have always wondered about the disappearance of Deluge. Why for so many years, seemingly since it's release in 1933, this film vanished from the face of the earth. After seeing it, courtesy of the efforts of Mr. Wade Williams Co., I'm still puzzled, but I have a theory. In 1933, the code was enacted that pretty much took care of sex and violence in Hollywood. While not an explicit film by any means, Deluge does deal fairly frankly with sexuality, lust and rape. I wonder if RKO discovered they had a film that they could not re-release, much like the fabled lost Warner Bros. comedy Convention City. It's a shame for, while it is a dated film, I find it quite unique and surprising for it's era and a fairly successful attempt to create something different in an era when films were already becoming cookie cutter by-products of the studio machine (not that many of those cookies aren't tasty, mind you). And even though the only available copy at this writing is dubbed into Italian, I don't find that a hinderance. An excellent job was done in subtitling the film, and much of the film is visual anyway.
  • 夜航

    Polio breaks out in Rio de Janeiro, the serum is in Santiago and there's only one way to get the medicine where it's desperately needed flown in by daring pilots who risk the treacherous weather and forbidding peaks of the Andes.
  • 天明

    菱菱(黎莉莉 饰)出生于贫困的家庭之中,和相依为命的表哥靠着捕鱼维生。战争爆发了,战火烧到了菱菱的家乡,无奈之下,她只得和表哥一起逃亡大城市寻求更好的发展。两人进入了一家工厂打工,之后,表哥决定成为一名水手,离开了菱菱扬帆远航,而依然留在工厂的菱菱遭受了工厂少东家的诱惑,不仅失了身,还被卖到妓院被迫沦为一名妓女。一晃眼两年过去,此时的表哥已经成为了一名革命战士,正在遭受敌人的追捕,在这样的身死关头,他和菱菱重逢了,菱菱冒着生命危险救了表哥,自己却因为藏敌的罪名而被判处了死刑。©豆瓣
  • 剧情 
    革命青年邹家瑚(金焰饰)遭到封建军阀的追捕,亡命去南洋做矿工,临走的时候嘱咐妻子慧英(黎灼灼饰):要好好教育襁褓中的女儿小梅。家瑚走后,慧英由于生活困难,改嫁音乐家林寄梅。小梅(陈燕燕饰)在寄梅的教育下,变成了一个资产阶级小姐,慧英深以为忧。在一次音乐会上,慧英和从南洋回来的家瑚重逢,家瑚也看到了自己的亲生女儿小梅,但他为了不让小梅知道自己是她的生父,悄悄地离开了。慧英是爱家瑚的,她找到了家瑚,向他表示希望恢复夫妻关系,家瑚不肯。纨 子弟黄书麟,看到小梅在歌舞界出了名,极力追求她,他们终于结了婚,并一起去了南洋。因为黄书麟的父亲在南洋拥有许多产业,到了南洋不久,黄书麟又另觅新欢,抛弃了小梅。小梅于是抱着初生的女儿回到上海。最后,慧英和林寄梅分手,和家瑚恢复夫妻关系,母女俩就协助家瑚开办托儿所,收养一群穷苦的儿童。影片结尾时,小梅唱道:“让黑暗中的孩子...