
  • 剧情 
      Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it together, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic stranger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.
  • 讲述一位校园女神接受挑战,誓将本校最不起眼的废柴改造成为舞会之王的故事。
  • 剧情 
    艾里克(安德鲁斯·威尔森 Andreas Wilson 饰)是一个让所有人都感到头痛的不良少年,逃学翘课打架生事,哪个都少不了他的一份。究其原因,还要归结到父亲的家庭暴力上去。在被公力学校开除后,爱子心切的母亲不得不将艾里克送入了斯特加伯格私立寄宿学校,可当艾里克来到这里后才发现,曾经满心欢喜的以为终于逃脱了家庭掌控的自己不过是从一个监狱被转移到了另一个监狱罢了,高年级的学生们称霸着校园,就连老师们也不敢越雷池半步。  没过多久,艾里克就和室友皮埃尔(亨里克·伦德斯多姆 Henrik Lundström 饰)成为了朋友,皮埃尔温和的性格渐渐改变了艾里克,他发誓要安安分分的念书,直到毕业。可惜天不遂人愿,初来乍到的艾里克很快就成为了校园混混们的欺负对象,在忍辱负重和全力反抗之间,他该如何选择?
  • Goes behind the scenes and onto the pitch of the groundbreaking Los Angeles-based professional women's soccer team, Angel City Football Club. Follows the origin story through the 2022 inaugural season of the female-founded and led team.
  • 记录 
  • 喜剧 
  • 剧情 
    斯威迪(Enguerran Demeulenaere 饰)出生在一个富裕的家庭之中,他的父亲是知名的制片人,家里来来往往的都是在电视里光鲜亮丽的大明星。然而,这种外人羡慕的生活却并不能够给斯威迪带来真正的快乐。某日,父母决定领养一个名叫阿尼巴尔的印加男孩,对于父母的决定,斯威迪当然是强烈反对,他怎么能够容忍另一个孩子来和他争夺父母的爱呢?但抗议最终还是徒劳,不久之后,阿尼巴尔出现在了斯威迪的面前。  斯威迪对待这个和自己并没有血缘关系的弟弟非常的粗暴,处处欺负他,找他麻烦,但阿尼巴尔却似乎并不讨厌斯威迪,总是跟在他的屁股后面到处跑。
  • 战争 
  • 剧情 
      In this Western starring Tom Berenger and Trace Adkins, the action begins as Kansas Red (Drew Waters, "True Detective") rescues young Billy from a card-game shootout. The boy asks Red for help protecting his family from outlaw Thorn (Adkins), who's just kidnapped Billy's mother, Carol. As Red and Billy ride off to rescue Carol, they run into beautiful, tough-as-nails Leslie, who's managed to escape Thorn's men. The three race to stop Thorn's wedding to Carol with guns a-blazing -- but does she want to be rescued?
  • 欧美 
      We’re going #BehindTheAttraction… figuratively, and literally. Discover more about your favorite #DisneyParks attractions in the Original Series from executive producers Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, and Brian Volk-Weiss. The first five episodes are streaming July 21 on #DisneyPlus.
  • 剧情 
    A young man who works as a Bar Mitzvah party host strikes up a friendship with a mother and her autistic daughter.
  • 喜剧 
    乔安娜·林莉和丹妮尔·麦克唐纳(《难以置信》)主演,本·列文(《亲密治疗》)执导,讲述麦克唐纳饰演的基金经理离开了无法给她满足感的工作和交往已久的男朋友,去追寻自己的毕生梦想:唱歌剧。林莉饰演的前歌剧天后则成为了她让人闻风丧胆的歌唱老师。片中将有《塞维利亚的理发师》《费加罗的婚礼》《唐璜》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《茶花女》等歌剧中的音乐。   该片为澳大利亚-英国合拍,已经拍完在后期制作中,会在本届戛纳电影节线上市场卖片。
  • 喜剧 
    雇佣兵理查德·布鲁梅雷,又名“拉·米斯特”(代号“迷雾”),曾是一名神秘的法国特勤局特工。由于 25 年前他为儿子阿奇博尔德争取的豁免权被取消,他不得不重操旧业。一场犯罪活动威胁到阿奇博尔德的生命,为了拯救自己的儿子,理查德没有更好的选择,只好求助于他的旧相识,并与一群鲁莽的年轻人和一名另类的官僚合作。但对理查德来说,最重要的是鼓起勇气让阿奇博尔德知道自己是他的父亲。
  • 喜剧 
    After a breakup, an influencer takes her friends on a free trip to Bahia's vibrant Carnival, where she learns life's not just about social media likes.
  • Freeform宣布续订《#女巫前线:塞勒姆要塞# Motherland: Fort Salem》。
  • 沉溺

      Jodie(Jill Halfpenny)八年前失去了自己的儿子,此后一直努力重建自己的生活。当她看到一个十多岁的男孩Daniel时,她笃定自己找到了失踪的儿子。无论Jodie是对是错,在那一瞬间,她的希望之火被点燃,由此走上了一条危险而越轨的道路,这条路将把她带向理智的边缘。为了寻找失踪的孩子,她会做到什么程度?  Jonas Armstrong饰演Jason,Jodie唯一的弟弟,她生活中唯一真正支持她的人。Deborah Findlay饰演Lynn,Jodie的母亲,两人关系不和。Rupert Penry-Jones饰演Mark,Daniels的父亲,对自己的情绪和儿子的生活都极其控制。
  • 新一季将聚焦2001年美国炭疽攻击事件,该事件是在美国发生的一起从2001年9月18日开始为期数周的生物恐怖袭击。从2001年9月18日开始有人把含有炭疽杆菌的信件寄给数个新闻媒体办公室以及两名民主党参议员。这个事件导致五人死亡,17人被感染。直到2008年最主要的嫌疑人才被公布。金大贤饰演一名擅长微生物学的FBI特工,戈德温饰演一名陆军生物学家,该角色根绝真实人物布鲁斯·艾文斯的经历改编。
  • 欧美 
    《苍穹浩瀚》第六季暨最终季会接着讲述太阳系中重燃的战火:马尔科(Marco Inaros)及其麾下的“自由海军”继续向地球和火星投掷小行星、引发灾难;剑拔弩张之际、重创威胁之下,罗西南迪号的船员们面临考验;克里斯金(Chrisjen Avasarala)再出妙招,派遣前火星海军陆战队员波比(Bobbie Draper)执行秘密任务,试图力挽狂澜。与此同时,德鲁默(Drummer)与她幸存的家人们从马尔科身边叛逃之后,在小行星带间疲于奔命。在星门之后,某个遥远的行星上,一股新兴力量开始崛起……
  • 欧美 
      Bulletproof follows two meijubar.net cops, Bishop and Pike, as they chase down hardened criminals in London's East End. On the surface Bishop and Pike have a lot in common they are cool, smart, unapologetically street-wise and tough; they share a deep, fraternal relationship - and are always there for each other. However, they come from very different backgrounds and their personal motivations and emotional lives outside the police force differ as a result: Pike is an aspirational family man, the son of a decorated police officer who's determined to follow in his father's footsteps, but not be in his shadow. Bishop grew up in care homes and on the streets, and never knew his father. Despite these differences Bishop and Pike are bonded by the same moral code and work brilliantly well together even when the chemistry between them looks set to explode.